Miccosukee Bingo

- A South Florida staple since 1990, Miccosukee Resort & Gaming’s Bingo Hall is the high-stakes bingo room to try your luck in the classic game of chance! With high payouts and plenty of rewards through our Miccosukee One Rewards Program, our High Stakes Bingo pays to play!
- Miccosukee Resort & Gaming in miami is a great place to hang out at. THey offer free drinks to guests as long as they are playing some sort of gambling game. The casino is clean and the staff is friendly. They have a wide variety of games to play.
- Find 7 listings related to Miccosukee Indian Bingo in Miami on YP.com. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for Miccosukee Indian Bingo locations in Miami, FL.
- Miccosukee Resort & Gaming in Miami offers the ultimate in gaming, with over 2,000 machines. Enjoy the very best slots, Bingo and gaming action in the Miami area, situated in the heart of the Everglades! Become a Miccosukee One member and get discounts on Resort standard room rates as well as admission to the Miccosukee Indian Village & Airboats!

Miccosukee Bingo
Miccosukee Resort & Gaming Bingo MICCOSUKEE RESORT & GAMING 500 S.W. 177th Avenue Miami, FL 33194 (305) 222-4600 (800) 741-4600.
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Miami husband-and-wife John Ricone and Francys Tolon-Ricone were apparently wielding a hot blotter when they played bingo at the Miccosukee Resort & Gaming Indian casino in 2008. In two trips that year, they won just under $5,500. When the tribe paid them their winnings, they remitted $1,500 for taxes, just like an employer does.
But the Ricones claim they got a nasty surprise two years after filing their 2008 return. The IRS says the tribe never paid the taxes from their bingo winnings -- and now the couple owes back taxes with interest. They filed suit against the tribe this month.
Kind of makes you wonder: If the Ricones' allegations are true, is the tribe similarly ripping off other winners?
Miccosukee Indian Casino
According to the suit, the Ricones won $2,961.66 in February 2008, of which the tribe subtracted $829.26 for federal income taxes. And when they won $2,500 that July, the tribe purportedly set aside $700 for Uncle Sam.
The Ricones have filed their W-2Gs -- returns for gambling winnings -- as evidence in the court case.
In 2010, the IRS informed the Ricones via a letter that they owed $1,621 with interest, because the tribe had not remitted the taxed winnings in its own filings.
The poker-and-slots-rich Micosukees are already embroiled in massive tax trouble. More than 100 members of the tribe owe just under $26 million to the IRS in unpaid taxes from payments from the casino. Former tribal chairman Billy Cypress owes almost $3 million from after spending Miccosukee credit cards to go on a multi-million dollar three-year spending binge.
The tribe is battling the IRS to not turn over its financials on grounds of sovereignty, and has filed lawsuits against its longtime former attorneys Dexter Lehtinen and Guy Lewis, claiming that the lawyers advised them that they didn't have to pay federal taxes.
We've called Miccosukee attorney Bernardo Roman III seeking comment on the Ricones' allegation, but have not yet heard back.
Here's the Ricones' complaint:
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Really this place needs a major makeover. If you live nearby and don't want to drive to the Hard Rock I guess you can come here. The machines are old and breaking down. Some of the machines look like they belong in a repair shop not on the floor. The prices at the little cafeteria which is open till late are pretty good and they have a varied menu not just hotdogs and chips. Some parts of the casino are older than the rest so depends where you go. They have a very big bingo room. Upstairs has a what appears to be a nice restaurant didn't go inside though. And a little cocktail lounge area with a nice little bar and some tv's around it. If you just want to gamble come here. If you want to gamble and eat good food and see nice things go to the Hard Rock. BTW If your not a smoker I don't think you can last long here. The smoke starts to burn your eyes and nostrils the second you step inside the casino floor.
PROS: Good if you live nearby, Nice little cafeteria open late.
CONS: Machines look old some are broken, The smell of smoke is heavy